
Resources to support your spiritual growth.

Listen to individuals describe their experiences of healing as they learn to trust God and become aware of their one-ness with Him.

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Recent episodes:

  • Our guest, Allison Rose-Sonnesyn, worked for the United States Congress drafting legislation and negotiating with policy stakeholders. She shares how understanding God as the source of true government helped her overcome political divisions in both her work and in her community. Allison has some compelling stories that show how we each play an important role […]
  • It can sometimes feel as if the end of the world is near, especially when everyone’s talking about it. The media and other means of conversation can contribute to this tactic called fear-mongering. This week’s guest, Lynn Jackson, shares practical spiritual ideas on how to pray about fear in our own lives and for the […]
  • As a child, this week’s guest, Jo Gray, really struggled with self-worth, and things only got worse when her marriage and life as a new mother crumbled. She shares how Christian Science helped her overcome these trying times and gave her an improved, more secure sense of herself.
  • This week, we’re talking with two guests who share their experiences of finding healing from reading the Bible.  Lauren Crandall discusses how the book of Psalms carried her through—and inspired her—during a difficult time in her career.  When Veronica Kline was across an ocean on a work trip and got a call that her youngest […]

More inspirational ideas for your day…

2-minute podcasts sharing healing ideas.

Daily Christian Science Perspective article.